"Adyg" - Zaur Atlaskirov's song about Caucasian education

The patriotic and inspiring composition "Adyg", which tells about the traditional mountain upbringing and the principles of life, was released Zaur Atlaskirov

The song is performed on the verses of Leyla Ataeva, the composer is Amur Uspaev.

Zaur Atlaskirov
Zaur Atlaskirov

“This composition tells about ancient traditions that are still alive,” says Zaur, “about the mountain laws that came to us from our ancestors. It is for everyone living in the Caucasus, not only for the Circassians. Let some of our traditions differ, but the basis of Caucasian education is the same: it is honor, valor, respect. This song tells about the military spirit, education, which has been observed since ancient times in the Caucasus. That a worthy Adyg can and should stand up for himself, even without taking out a weapon. According to ancient mountain traditions, the knife was taken out only when there was a direct threat to the life of the warrior or his relatives. About the moments in which a man must prove himself. It is for real highlanders who have kept the precepts of their ancestors in themselves and their families.
The North Caucasus is a unique place that has preserved the wisdom and principles of the life of our ancestors. These covenants will help everyone to become better, it is only important to follow them. I want to say that this composition does not carry the idea of ​​nationalism, does not distinguish some from others. I just wanted to show and tell by the example of my people about the preservation of old customs and traditions. I sincerely wish everyone peace, and return to their native lands for everyone who, due to the difficult events of the past, found themselves far from home. And let the disagreements that sometimes appear between peoples become a thing of the past. We all live here together and we borrow something from each other and this is the beauty of the Caucasus. I want to wish my listeners to be worthy, to always find the strength to come to the aid of those who need it, to stand up for themselves and others, as it has been customary in the Caucasus for centuries. Always remain men, remember the responsibility that lies with you and respect for each other. This is a wish to my brothers - Adygs, and to the whole Caucasus, ”the performer wished.

Listen and download Zaur Atlaskirov's song "Adyg"


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