Astemir Apanasov and Tatyana Tretyak performed the song “Synyphuozesh”

The modern sound of the legendary love song “Synyphuozesh” (“I miss you”) was presented by the talented duo of artists Astemir Apanasov and Tatyana Tretyak

“The song “Synyphuozesh” (“I miss you”) is an imperishable classic of the Adyghe stage,” shares Astemir, “this is a subtle, soulful melody of love, written by Zareta Zaramysheva, with lyrics by Fitsa Kankulov.”

The composition, beloved by many, again finds new life in the performance of Astemir Apanasov and Tatyana Tretyak, on the Kavkaz Music platform.

Listen and download the song “Syniphuozesh” by Astemir Apanasov and Tatiana Tretyak


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