The author's song was released by Lana Shavlokhova

Lana Shavlokhova presented her author's song - "Uazal dumga" ("Cold wind"), written in the Ossetian language

Lana Shavlokhova
Lana Shavlokhova

“Every time you sit down to write about all those miracles and transformations that happen to you, you often realize that such feelings cannot be described in text. At this point, creativity is born. At this point, music is born! So this song was born. Initially, the text turned out to be somehow atypical for a song in the Ossetian language. Then my sound engineer and I decided to "pops" it. Our idea was easily realized, that's how I conceived it. The song is very typical for me, it is about love.
Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, I want to present it to all those who feel something magical in the chest area! I am sure many of you will find yourself in these lines! ”Lana shared.

Listen and download Lana Shavlokhova's song "Uazal dumga"


Other premieres of "Kavkaz Music" in Ossetian

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