Home Artists Arthur Kunizhev

Arthur Kunizhev

Artur Kunizhev dedicated a song to his hometown
The song-dedication to the beautiful Nalchik was recorded by Artur Kunizhev. A folk song, the name of which was given by the city itself, ...
Arthur Kunizhev dedicated a song to the shining eyes of his beloved
Artur Kunizhev presented the premiere of the author's song "Ne dakhe" ("Beautiful eyes") and a video for it. Romantic composition ...
Artur Kunizhev presented the song "Uezyrashch"
The song "Uezyrash" ("You are one"), which tells about how one moment can change your whole life, was released by a Kabardian artist ...
Artur Kunizhev told a love story
The romantic composition "Kyskhuyu shkhyeguse" ("Become my bride") was performed by Artur Kunizhev The work by the poet ...
Artur Kunizhev released a comic song "Vague tslyklu"
Arthur Kunizhev presented a comic composition on behalf of a guy in love. The song "Vague tslyklu" ("My Star"), auto ...
Artur Kunizhev dedicated a song to his parents
The soulful composition "Ade-ane", dedicated to parental care and love, was presented by Artur Kunizhev "First of all ...
"Ar uerash". Artur Kunizhev released a light summer song
Artur Kunizhev dedicated the song to the most beautiful and all-encompassing of feelings - love. "Ar uerash" is a dynamic composition ...

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