A new song by Vadim Khatukhov - “Launyungyam and Chezu” was released
The name of the composition “Laungungyam and Chazu” in translation from Kabardian means “Time of Love”, and is sung in it about a wonderful time when a woman’s heart blossoms from tender feelings that are difficult to restrain. The author of the music is Soslan Sabanov, the author of the text is Aslan Mamiev
Kavkaz Music Label Released: Rustam Shogenov “Si Dahasche”!
Rustam Shogenov presented the composition "Si Dakhashche" Artist: Rustam Shogenov @ rustamshogenov86 Song title: "Si D ...
Alibek Evazhugov. Ci Guasche
Alibek Evgazhukov released the song "Si guasche" This song was addressed to my wife. When I wrote it, I tried to ...
Azamat Bishtov released a new track - “Sichlynal”!
With the support of the label “Kavkaz Music”, a new single by the popular artist Azamat Bishtov was released - a song in the Circassian language - “Si Chylinal” (“My Land”), written by Janhot Nath
New release from Kavkaz Music label: Isolda Adyghe Potpourri!
Isolde: "I decided to record a medley in order to perform popular Kabardian dance songs at events and so that people could sing along and dance to them." The potpourri included both folk and original songs and melodies in Circassian.
The debut album of the Bzerabze group was released
Today is an important day in the life of the team of the Bzerabze Art Group, founded by Timur Losanov - their first album was released ...
Azamat Bekov and Renata Beslaneyeva released the song “Kafe, si dyge”
“Dance, my sun” - this is the translation from Kabardian called the composition presented today by Azamat Bekov and R ...
Premiere of the album Betal Ivanov "Sy adygashch"
Today, the premiere of Betal Ivanov's new album, “Sy Adygesh” (“I am Adyg”), took place. Fresh, but at the same time traditional ...

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