Makka Mezhiev website 2505 2022
The song about a girl with a "stolen" heart was performed by Makka Mezhieva. In the composition "Govza Lor" ("Experienced Doctor"), a girl in love...
"Circassian": a project about the courage of the Circassians
The fighting courage and honor of the Circassians have been legendary for more than a century. Rustam Nakhushev and Artur Kench also contributed...
"New Adiyuh" - a story about beauty beyond time
The immortal image of a meek and noble, charming white-skinned Circassian woman has been preserved for centuries not only in legends, but also in...
"When a Dzhigit is Born..."
Sultan Hurricane dedicated his new song to a newborn horseman - his son! Bright composition by Artur Besaev...
“I will say I love you”: a new song by Patimat Kagirova
The romantic work "I'll say I love you" was performed by Patimat Kagirova. The incendiary motive was composed by Patimat herself, the author of the words is Kam...
"Karachay-Cherkessia": dedication to the beloved land
The star duo Islam Malsuigenov and Zulfiya Chotchaeva presented the release of the composition "Karachay-Cherkessia". Song about love...
Tamara Dadasheva presented a new author's song
The rhythmic project "Offay" ("Ah") was presented by the popular Chechen author and composer Tamara Dadasheva. "Ah, beats for you...
The premiere of the patriotic album "Yahalakh Nohchicho" took place
The project "Yakhalakh, Nokhchichoy" ("Live, Chechnya"), dedicated to love for the native land, its history and people inhabiting the mountainous...
“Caucasian response” to lilies of the valley was released by Makka Mezhieva
The romantic song “Give Me Tulips” was presented by the popular Caucasian artist and songwriter Makka Mezhieva. In a feminine way...

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