The fighting courage and honor of the Circassians have been legendary for more than a century. Rustam Nakhushev and Artur Kencheshaov also contributed to the patriotic project "Cherkess""Circassian": a project about the courage of the Circassians

Filled with strength and pride for its people, the song makes you understand the feelings of a highlander who stands guard over his land, history, and people. Author of inspirational poems Arthur Kenchesha, music - Rustam Nakhushev.

“The poems are dedicated to courage, honor, an example of which our ancestors showed us at turning points in history,” says Arthur, “this song is a tribute to the memory of knights, warriors who, in spite of everything, retained their nobility, honor and courage. This is a tribute to all people who are ready to defend their homeland and people at any moment.

I wrote this text specifically for Rustam, because I was sure that it was he who would be able to adequately present it to the public, compose the right music and put his soul into the work. And I was not mistaken in this. I hope the audience will like the song, and its main ideas will be accepted and understood.”

Listen and download Rustam Nakhushev's song "Circassian"


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