The author's song about the main day for loving hearts presented Ibrahim Maremkulov

Ibrahim Maremkulov sang the pure emotions of loving hearts

The melodic composition of the performer "Di nasyr" ("Our Happiness") is a story about what lovers experience on their wedding day. The song is performed in the Circassian language.

Ibrahim Maremkulov
Ibrahim Maremkulov

“The main idea of ​​the song is in the words:“ Di nasypir nobe Th'em tkhuzehilhashch ”,“ God blessed our happiness, ”says Ibrahim,“ they reveal the theme of love and happiness. The text describes bright memories and warming feelings on an exciting day for the newlyweds, which is conveyed in the words: "Dygem huedeu di bulk sykegegehuabe ...".

The lyrics of this composition are important in that they describe the feelings that are experienced on the wedding day. I decided to write and perform a song in this theme in order to describe these pure emotions of loving hearts on the most significant day for them. "

Listen and download Ibragim Maremkulov's song "Di nasypyr"


Lyrics of Ibragim Maremkulov's song "Di nasypyr"

Pser mag'ag'eri eee,
Dygem huedeu di in bulk
Sykegeghehuaberi eee ...

Di is a pile of nobe,
Th'em tkhuzehilkhash.
Di unaguem ph1yguer il'u,
Si pse zy breathyuasch.

And the bulk of the nobe,
Tkhem de kyditash.
Di ne di pser ze1uscheu,
Gashch1e thuyuhuash.

2) .Di guf1egyesch nobe dahem
Lepkit1 zyhokhieri eee,
Pshynem kytkhurish makamam
Dukydoferi eee ...

3) Di neh'zh'hem I h'ueh'u dahem
Kytkhuypaschery eee,
Gashch1e dahe kedg'esch1enu
Tkhem huol'a1eri eee ...

Other songs in the Adyghe language of the label "Kavkaz Music"