"Dega dogla" - "The story of failed love ..."

The video for the song “Dega dogla” (“Key from the Heart”), which is beloved by the audience, was presented today by the Chechen artist Murad Baikaev. In an interview with our editor, he talked about how this project was created and what inspired the team in their work.


How and why did you decide to perform this song?

Murad Baikayev
Murad Baikayev

This project began with the fact that my friend Islam Akhmedov, the author of the arrangement, invited me to his studio. They just finished working on this project and wanted to offer me to execute it. To be honest, when I first heard this song, I didn't really like it. Precisely because it is not quite “my” song, not my genre.

I doubted, but Islam insisted that I try and he was right. Due to the fact that the song is not quite typical for me, the sound turned out to be original, unusual, it turned out interesting. I must say that people really liked the song, it quickly “went to the people” and I often get thanks for it.


What is the song about?

The plot of the song is familiar to everyone to the core. This is his salt. The verses tell a love story that was not destined to open up and grow into something more. A story of failed love.


Your clip is almost a whole movie. Dramaturgy, charismatic actors. How did his idea come about?

Work on this project went on for almost two months. And you know, our team, at the beginning, planned to reveal the story in the format of a foreign film, with simple locations and plot. But, after conferring, we decided that the clip, like the song, should resonate with the listener, should be similar to our real life. I wanted people to literally recognize themselves, empathize with the characters. History is as old as the world. And I think this is the main highlight of our project.

How was the shooting of the video?

Murad Baikaev in the frame from the clip "Dega dogla" ("Key to the Heart")

As I said, we filmed for two months. Many people took part in the filming, and I am immensely grateful to them. Only a team of professionals can make a truly high-quality product that can touch the hearts of the audience. And I myself, wanted to be a part of this plot, so I offered myself for the role of the main character. It is important for me to fully participate in creativity, to understand it from all sides.

Let me tell you a little secret, this clip is the first series of the story that we will tell through clips. Many artists are now making "multi-episode clips" and we decided that we should develop our idea as well. After all, we show real life, and it has practically no boundaries, there is always a continuation behind the credits.

What inspires you in creativity?

Life inspires me. Real stories no less than real people. After all, there is nothing clearer and more pleasing to the heart than the truth. You know, I'm sure that viewers, listeners always feel false and always react to what is in them, in their heart.

What would you like to wish the audience on the day of the premiere?

Let this clip be an example of what not to do. I am convinced that for your happiness, for your love, you need to fight to the end. Fight and be happy!

Other premieres of "Kavkaz Music" in Chechen

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