"Koban Suv": dedication to the river that has preserved its history

Medina Eliyazov performed a song dedicated to the Kuban River. The composition "Koban Suv" was written Zukhra Bulgarova in Nogai

Medina Eliyazov
Medina Eliyazov

“A song about love for the Kuban River, because it is important in the life of the Nogai. It preserves the centuries-old history of my magnificent people. When they wrote this song, I could not imagine how it would prophetically affect my life, because then I did not think that I would live far away from my beloved river, where I spent fun summer days.

Happy listening everyone! "

Listen and download the song "Koban Suv" by Medina Eliyazova


Lyrics of Medina Eliyazova's song "Koban Suv"

Arusinme Koban Suv
Tamyryma sengen suv
Ayaklarym tolkynlaryn yalaidy
Ata-babam ishken suv, ak bulyttan tosken suv
Sen akynda yas yuregim yirlaidy.

Assygasyn agasyn, kaisy yakka barasyn
Yaslygymday shabasyn Koban suv
uzaklarga ketsem de yade kaytyp kelsem de
Yan seni izleidi Koban suv.

Arusinme Koban suv, yuregimge kongan suv
Nogayimnyn berekety sen boldyn
Atlarymyz ishken suv, mallarymyz koshken suv
Nogayimnyn alal suvy sen boldyn.

Koop Omirdi Bir Ottik
Er Bavyryn Bir Optic
ak kuv konyp uyalagan koban suv
Serbet suv dep sapyrdyk ak Koban dep aytyrdyk
Nogayimga yurt taptyrgan Koban suv.

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