Introducing Timur Losanov’s album “Pshynaue Jagu”

Today an album of a popular author and artist has been released. Timur Losanova - "Pshynaue Jegu". The track list includes 12 instrumental compositions: both author's and folk tracks processed by the composer. We asked Timur to tell us more about the concept of the album and the singles that make it up.

- Timur, how would you describe this musical novelty and who would you advise to listen to it?

- The album "Pshynaue Dzhegu" is my everything! We have been working on its creation for 5 years. It contains 12 tracks, each of which, in turn, consists of 5-8 canon musical pieces. This album includes many styles and directions of Adyghe folk music. I would recommend listening to it to every Circassian, regardless of where he lives. Or - to a person who would like to understand the Circassian musical culture, from antiquity to the present day.

- Which of the melodies are historical, the most traditional?

- I used archive music from all over the world. Most of the compositions that have been processed have their original canon choreography. Even the number of repetitions of a piece of music mattered. The album is structured in such a way that all the music is interconnected - the next track follows from the previous one, and the culmination is a composition called "Thyeshue uj".

- The album contains the melody "Nane i kafe" ("Grandmother's Dance"). Did you dedicate it to your grandmother?

- Yes, that's right, “Nane i kafe” is the author's composition, which I dedicated to my grandmother, because she was also a recognized accordion player. I believe that the muse was passed on to me from her. Especially her valuable advice helped me when I was just mastering the instrument, for example, the old technique of placing fingers or the correct placement of hands, the correct squeezing and unclenching of the accordion fur, and finally, the correct posture and correct fit. All these details greatly help to achieve perfection. The track "Nane i kafe" is written in the noble style of kafa, she is the same as my grandmother.

- Are all the tunes on the album danceable? Where are most of these dances most common?

- The whole album is one big act called "Circassian Rumble". It has a beginning, development, culmination, denouement and ending. Each of these stages is supported by dance steps. Somewhere they are simple, which are used every day by the people, but somewhere they are complex, for which you need to have choreographic training. Geography - the whole world! My dream to stage a great choreographic show "Pshynaue Dzhegu" with the appearance of this album is taking shape!

We invite you to listen and download Timur Losanov’s album “Przynaue Jegu” right now on our website. And also we remind that the novelty is already available on all digital platforms.

Listen and download Timur Losanov's album “Przynaue jagu”


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