Ruslan Kaytmesov. "Circassians"

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Ruslan Kaytmesov. "Circassians"

Ruslan Kaytmesov



Page stories
Imprinted in hearts.
Our faces are clouding
Harsh centuries.
Life threatened often
We are a horde of enemies
But again our ancestors
Saddled the horses.

Always be Adyg, Circassian!
Always be Circassian, Adyg!
Our people have not disappeared into the abyss!
By this unity he is great!
We will raise the flag to the skies
And the cry will echo:
“Always be Adyg, Circassian!
Always be Circassian, Adyg! "

The winds of centuries have died down
But the memory lives in us.
Kasogi we and zikhi,
A warlike people.
Our honor was a reward
Our path is indestructible.
And the glory of the proud Hutts
We keep it in our souls.

We listen to the breath
Ancient fortresses.
And we raise the banner
His Circassia.
She is Adyghe speech
Always pleasing to the ear.
And we know that it is eternal
Our rebellious spirit.