"Tuzun Aitsam." Asmira Hapchaeva presented a song about the departed love

The premiere of a composition about love, which was destined to fade, took place. The name of the song “Tyuzyun Aitsam” is translated from the Karachai language as “To tell you the truth”, and the plot tells us the story of a girl whose feeling for her lover was great and beautiful, but melted one wonderful day.

Listen and download Asmira Hapchaeva’s song “Tuziun Aitsam”


Lyrics of Asmira Khapchaeva “Tyuzyun Aitsam”

Tyuzyun aitsam, sennghe ushash kermegenem,
Bir bashagya esimi belmegenem.
Darman gifted pour edim, tezalmayyn.
Senda turdung, ol halyny sezalmayyin.

Kezleringde jarsyumu esleheim
Jashlygyung khur kanatyn izleimeyme.
Qarcha Ariu, Alai Suuk Kerünese,
Kharamama bir birlede ilnes.

Ancha jylny jesir etib djuregimi
Kekyuretib Butei Ariu Sesimi,
Kalay jetty seny kyuchum uturgaa?
Jana turgan shynkart from suuturga?
Bilmede kyal djuregimden catgenings,
Bilmegencha djurgimi emgenings.
Junchumai men kyolumu bosh uzatyrma,
Kek terekni bir bulchugun uatyrma.

Shaw Kesingi Homuh Kalai Undurdung,
Syfatyng nyur tekgenin unukurdung?
Ana Bilseng Echtemliging Equured
Pursh juregging suu ag'acccha bugyulurered.

In truth, I have not met anyone like you.
I’ve never even looked at anyone before
I was looking for a cure for unhappy love
Your indifference knew no bounds.

In your eyes I seek my suffering
Wishing your youth wings
How snowy I was then cold
I didn’t notice you with my gaze.

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