The bright project “Zerydzhe” (“Kalina”) was presented by Vadim Khatukhov. The lyrics of the song were written by Mukhamed Dobagov in Circassian. The song is performed to the music of Artur Tubaev

website Vadim Khatukhov 0812 2023

“The composition “Zerydzhe” (“Kalina”) was written back in the 90s by the best authors of those times, and it was performed by my father, Eduard Khatukhov,” shares Vadim, “at that time this song won many hearts, and to this day people remember her. More than once at events I was asked to perform it, so I decided to rewrite and release it. In poetry, the author describes all the beauty of the beautiful Viburnum tree, and also compares it with a beautiful girl.
It’s unlikely that I’ll do better than my father, but I think you’ll like the new version too!”


Lyrics of Vadim Khatukhov’s song “Zarydzhe”

Unebgum shIerasch1eu
Zaryje kyishchok1
Psal'enim huep1ashch1eu
Shhyegubzhem kyidok1
Ziguerher zhi1enu
And shkhek1er egeshkhkh
1ushchabe 1ushchascheu
Thyel'ane kyyshuesch1

Zaryje Zaryje
Uopsalė telıdzheu
Zaryje zeryje
Gugef1k1e kyizoje

Zerydje plyyzhybzeu
Pyzybzu kyipok1e
Pshcheddzhyzhim bzerabzeu
Zhy kepschem sh1eupsk1er
And schehu imybzysch1u
Khuomybzu kyizzhe1er
And psori zykhesch1eu
Sogu1er so1ezhyr

Zaryje Zaryje
Uopsalė telıdzheu
Zaryje zeryje
Gugef1k1e kyizoje

Syp1uplem zeryje
Kyysshchokhur upshschau
Bgekheyme ui pshch1ashcher
Si daher kyzejeu
Guryshch1er kept1eshch1u
Si shch1ase kyysshchokhyu
Guhel'yr sch1eryshch1eu
Shkhyegyubzhem kyidopl

Zaryje Zaryje
Uopsalė telıdzheu
Zaryje zeryje
Gugef1k1e kyizoje

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