Vyacheslav Habitov performed the song "Flischeure slagua"

The composition "Flyscheure slagua" ("Favorite") was presented by the Kabardian performer Vyacheslav Khabitov

Vyacheslav Khabitov
Vyacheslav Khabitov

“The song is about a wonderful feeling, about love. The author of words and music is Zoya Mesheva (Borieva). I am grateful to her for a wonderful love song. I thank everyone who is always there. Eduard Khatukhov, Soslan Sabanov, Radik Shidugov - these are the people who work to make my songs sound among the people. I want to wish all the listeners good health and love! ”, - the performer shared.

Listen and download Vyacheslav Habitov's song "Flischeure slagua"


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