Zukhra Bulgarova released "Potpourri of Nogai songs"

The release, which combines many favorite songs and melodies of the Nogai people, has released Zukhra Bulgarova

"Potpourri of Nogai Songs" is a union of tunes and melodies that go hand in hand with the people, change with them, but retain their originality.

“Most of the songs included in my Potpourri of Nogai Songs certainly had and still have their own wonderful, well-known authors,” says Zukhra, “people fell in love with them. Over the past 20-30 years, they have become so widespread in the places of residence of the Nogai ethnic group that they have passed into the status of folk.
Despite the fact that the tunes were born in different regions and republics, they nevertheless became favorite for the Nogais of each region. The songs are bright and catchy, fiery and lyrical. Many Nogays know these texts and melodies by heart. When the question arose of combining several separate songs into one musical collection, the idea arose to give the public what they know well, that is familiar from the cradle. And the choice fell on these melodies. When old songs are sung by young performers, they live on. Times will pass, but these compositions, updated and collected in one bouquet, will remain in the memory of the people.
In our time, hundreds and thousands of musical works are born every day. And almost all of them are uploaded to media portals, where they find their listeners. I think in pursuit of innovation, we should not forget about the good old songs. They have their own unique energy, as they have lived their destiny. It is a great joy for me to work with such songs, to give them a second wind, ”said the performer.

Listen and download Zukhra Bulgarova's composition "Potpourri of Nogai songs"


Lyrics of Zukhra Bulgarova's song "Potpourri of Nogai songs"

1.The Nogai steppe awoke,
The life of the Nogai blossomed brightly,
Meet the guests with a ringing song.
Our pride, our Nogai land!

Bek ispayy yazda we change sholim,
Yasyl halshe yaba onyn yuzin,
Kalay Uyken Erkin Menim Elim
Sheshekeidei onda change the weight.

2. Shabden osken toste,
Sheshekey yynadym,
Seny minen birge,
Seni men kuvandym.
Sheshekeiler suygenim,
Toselsin yollaryn'a.
Sensin change yuregimde,
Kaerde bolsamda.
Sensin change yuregimde,
Kaerde bolsamda.

3. Ak kobannyn suvynda,
Ak koylekpen yaldam.
Ak yurekpen suymey bolsan,
Suyemen Dep Aldama.
Suyemen Dep Aldama.
Ak yurekpen suymey bolsan,
Suyemen Dep Aldama.
Suyemen Dep Aldama.

Kasyn kara, kasyn kara,
Kasynnan kozin kara,
Seni korsem, kara yasym
Yuregim ottay yana.
Yuregim ottay yana.
Seni korsem, kara yasym
Yuregim ottay yana.
Yuregim ottay yana.

4. Olenin de shobin de, Issi magician Tuvgan El,
Oyyn, kyryn, tosinmen yurektesin Tuvgan El.
Emetagan balaga barmas suetten artyk as,
Baska eldin altyny tasyn'a da ten bolmas.
Hey, Tuvgan elim, Tuvgan elim, Nogai el.
Hey, Tuvgan elim, Tuvgan elim, Nogai el.

5. Yavinlardan son yaynaskan bavday
Sheshekeidei bizim kyzlar,
Shashlars kuvlash, kaslary kaitan,
Bizim nogai kyzlar.
Shashlars kuvlash, kaslary kaitan,
Bizim nogai kyzlar.
Oyyn oynayik em de yyrlayik,
Kol sogynyz, Kol Yoldaslar.
Ken bolip koktey bizge ashylsyn,
Nasiply ken yollar!
Ken bolip koktey bizge ashylsyn,
Nasiply ken yollar!

6. Yilinshiktyn boyynda Oh, orayda.
Yayav yurgim keledi Oh, orayda,
Suyesinme suimeisinme Oh, orayda,
Sony bilgim keledi Oh, orayda ,.
Orideride Orideride Oh, Oride,
Sons bilgim keledi, Oy ride.
Orideride Orideride Oh Oride,
Sons bilgim keledi oh orayda.

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