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Day of deportation of the Balkar people

08MarAll dayDay of deportation of the Balkar people


On the eighth of March, where are you, a wonderful holiday,
When do women bring flowers?
Balkar villages are deserted ...
Oh, what is worse than this emptiness!

It wasn’t a holiday - the day came sleepless.
Balkar children do not forget forever
Cold and stinking wagons
And March - in tears of bloody - snow.
Kaisyn Kuliev

Early in the morning of March 8, 1944, the elderly, women, and children were ordered to immediately pack on the road. In just two hours, the entire population of the Balkarian villages was loaded into trucks. Everyone without exception underwent deportations: active participants in the Civil and Patriotic Wars, war invalids, even bedridden children, wives. The “fault” of the deportee was determined solely by his Balkarian origin. 14 places were sent to the places of a new settlement in Central Asia 37.713 Balkarians.



08.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX All day