This is a repeating event

Day of culture of the people of Abaza and Day of the Abaza flag

23JulAll dayDay of culture of the people of Abaza and Day of the Abaza flag


Day of culture of the people of Abaza and Day of the Abaza flag
The culture day of the people of Abaza, which is held annually on the Day of the national flag of Abkhazia and on the day of the first issue of the newspaper Abazashta - July 23, for five years has become an integral part of public life of the Abazins of Karachay-Cherkessia and not only.
This holiday is always accompanied by festivities, courtyards, dances and a festive concert. The importance of holding this holiday is connected with the need to preserve and disseminate culture, traditions and language. Currently, the Abaza people belong to one of the smallest, and native speakers and traditions are becoming less and less every year.



23.07.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX All day